Delve into a spellbinding dialogue with John Kempf, a ​visionary Amish trailblazer who birthed Advancing ​EcoAgriculture (AEA) in 2006, where he now reigns as the ​Chief Visionary and Chairman of the Enchanted Board. ​Kempf, adorned with the mantle of the Regenerative ​Agriculture podcast host, traversed a path illuminated by ​stardust after his fields suffered under the shadow of ​pesticides. Embracing the lore of regenerative agriculture, ​he kindled practices that fortify plant defenses, nurture ​the earth's vitality, and awaken the soil's mystical ​inhabitants. AEA's enchantments have graced over 4 ​million acres across earthly realms, offering farmers a ​harmonious symphony of regenerative practices to ​cultivate resilience, harmony, and prosperity in their ​sacred lands.

Listen to RFK Jr. Podcast with ​John Kempf